
My experience with the Focus Footbath has been remarkable.  I am interested in detoxifying my body and have been for many years and I felt this would be a wonderful way to do it.  I am a massage therapist and this interest is not only for myself but also to use for my clients. 

Before I use this with a client, I always balance test them to see how often and how long a soak should be and at what setting.  I must add here that I did NOT do the same thing for me, which was not a smart move.  I simply went by the presumption that I could detox as fast as I wanted.  I was soaking every three days for 30 minutes at a time at a setting of 1.6.  I went on like this for 21 days (7 soaks) and was so excited about the way I was feeling.  My stamina increased and my joints were no longer stiff.  The aching in my hips, that had been there for several years, left completely.  I had suffered with eczema for about 15 years and it was gone with no traces.  All of this was so much more than I could have imagined.  All was perfect in my world.

The next thing that I experienced was a huge healing crisis.  If you are not familiar with that term, it can happen when too many toxins are released too fast.  I ended up in bed for two weeks feeling like I had been hit with a truck.  After that two week period was over, I felt so good…much better than I could remember in a long while.  What a lesson for me.  Now, I always test myself to see how often, how long and at what setting for each of my soaks.  Since I have started treating myself with the same concern and respect that I do my clients, I have had absolutely no adverse reactions or discomfort with the releasing of toxins from my body and am feeling on top of the world. 

At this point, my energy level has increased so much, my family and friends are amazed.  Well, actually, I am too.  My advice to anyone who does this is to be gentle with yourself and never try to push the healing too fast. 

Blessings to you,


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