Tag: Optimum Detox Footbaths
Why Optimum Detox footbath technology?
I am a RN with a 28 year history & our clients love the Optimum Detox Footbaths!
Watch Video on our Optimum Detox Units
Check out the MOST Powerful Optimum Dual Pro unit!
RESEARCH – Dr. Griesz-Brisson discovered the Optimum footbath caused her patients to excrete significantly higher amounts of toxic metals
Detoxification ProtocolBayne Boyes, FCMA, FCPA HEAVY METALS 1) Ionic Footbath:Research by German Neurologist and Neurophysiologist Dr. Margareta Griesz-Brisson (a Harvard graduate) shows that when patients regularly took cilantro tincture and combined that with an ionic footbath, the amount of mercury,…