My experience with the Focus Footbath has been remarkable. I am interested in detoxifying my body and have been for many years and I felt this would be a wonderful way to do it. I am a massage therapist and…
Like an AMEX card, I don’t leave home without it!
Hi, I just wanted to let you know how absolutely thrilled I am with my continued success with the OPTIMUM detox foot bath! Seriously, it’s almost comical the results I am getting. Just today a client who is on her…
Hi Diann: I recently sprained both my ankles at the same time. The left one was sprained really bad with the muscle on the outside of my leg extremely sensitive as it was pulled really bad as a result of…
During my husband’s passing I became so depressed. I was unable to function. I knew that I wanted to add a foot detox machine to my business, for a while, even as he was sick. I had managed for him…
A New Way To Detox
In the 21st century, people are living longer or better. However, people are also subject to more toxins than ever before. The process of detoxification can vary. Some people have already learned of the power of the foot spa detox,…
Toenail Fungus
One of my clients has battled with a toenail fungus for over ten years. His medical doctors have been unsuccessful in eliminating this fungus (including prescribing an internal medication which cost $250). After one footbath, the fungus was noticeably improved; after his…